International vocation

ENAIRE is a company with a clear global vocation, proof of which is the distinguished role it plays in the development and implementation of the Single European Sky, including participation in the entities ESSP, GroupEAD and PENS, which currently provide pan-European services.

We engage in the South West Functional Airspace Block (SW FAB), established by Spain and Portugal, sharing operational requirements regardless of national borders and enhancing efficiency across the European network. The mainstay of all this is the historic collaboration of the two countries, together with Morocco, Algeria and France, within the AEFMP (Algeria, Spain, France, Morocco, Portugal and, since 2018, Tunisia) framework.

We foster the Single European Sky ATM Research technology project (SESAR) as a member of the SESAR Joint Undertaking and as a SESAR Deployment Manager, together with Europe’s leading air navigation providers. We belong to Alliance A6 to coordinate our participation in these programmes and consolidate initiatives concerning the implementation of the Single European Sky.

The implementation of regional and Europe-wide centralised services, which encourage the participation of air navigation service providers (ANSPs) in companies and consortiums that provide these services, and the technical support requirements of other providers in modernising their systems are also becoming more important in the development of new business opportunities.