Good governance

ENAIRE's Government

It is essential for an organisation to establish a structure that clearly identifies the duties and responsibilities of each of its members, and that defines its various Governing Bodies.

Chapter III of the ENAIRE Statute, approved by Royal Decree 160/2023 of 7 March, defines the governing and executive bodies and their operation. The coordination mechanisms between these bodies and the remaining units that comprise its organisational structure are laid out in the Governance Manual, for internal use, which also details the relevant committees and groups in which ENAIRE participates, together with other agents in the aviation sector, to develop strategies focused on meeting common objectives.

ENAIRE's organisational structure and the duties and responsibilities of each of its members are set out in its Duties and Responsibilities Manual, available to all employees on the Intranet.

The mission of ENAIRE's Governing Bodies (Top Level) is to determine the organisational policies, strategies, standards and criteria that guide ENAIRE's activities so as to create effective means to achieve the objectives set and lead the organisation towards the future.

ENAIRE's Executive Bodies (Second Level) are tasked with ensuring compliance with the organisation's objectives by directing, controlling and administering the resources available, constantly interpreting the social reality, anticipating, posing new challenges and innovating.

You can see ENAIRE's Governing Board members here

Meetings Governing Board

In 2024 a total of 13 Governing Board Meetings were held.

In the documents that can be downloaded, you can see the remuneration per attendance to the Board Meetings.

Declaration of assets and property rights of senior officials

The Chairperson and the General Manager of ENAIRE are obliged to submit this declaration which is detailed in this link.

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