The ENAIRE Foundation presents the 30th Anniversary Honorary Aeronautical Award to Emilio Herrera
The ENAIRE Foundation has exceptionally granted the 30th Anniversary Honorary Aeronautics Prize to Emilio Herrera (Granada, 1879 – Geneva, 1967). This is in addition to the recent Honorary Photography Prize awarded to Chema Madoz.
In a unanimous decision by the jury, which convened on 17 January 2025, the 30th Anniversary Honorary Aeronautics Prize of the ENAIRE Foundation has been posthumously awarded to Emilio Herrera Linares.
The Emilio Herrera Linares Scientific Association, which is dedicated to promoting the recognition and dissemination of Herrera’s scientific legacy, was informed of the prize.
“This is an extraordinary prize for an extraordinary scientist and person. Emilio Herrera is, without a doubt, the most important and internationally renowned engineer in Andalusia’s history, recognised globally as one of the fathers of astronautics", stated Margarita Asuar, Director of the ENAIRE Foundation.
The awarding of the ENAIRE Foundation's 30th Anniversary Honorary Aeronautics Prize to Emilio Herrera Linares reflects the foundation's commitment to initiatives that honour and preserve his memory and legacy in the field of aeronautics.
As we know, one of the ENAIRE Foundation's missions is to support aeronautical culture, which includes preserving and identifying legacies within the fields of aeronautical science and culture, as well as to recognise the achievements of key figures in this area.
The great-grandchildren of the genius from Granada will receive the award on 10 February at the Ateneo de Madrid, as part of the celebrations marking the ENAIRE Foundation's 30th Anniversary.
Emilio Herrera
Emilio Herrera Linares, the distinguished aeronautical engineer from Granada, boasts an extensive list of achievements due to the scope and significance of his contributions to the field of aerospace, such as his 1935 invention of the first pressurised flight suit, the "stratonautical" suit, regarded by NASA as a precursor to space suits.
Emilio Herrera was also responsible for creating the Cuatro Vientos Aerodynamics Institute in 1921; for founding the first aeronautical engineering school in Spain in 1928 in Cuatro Vientos, originally known as the Advanced School of Aerotechnics (ESA) and precursor to the current ETSIAE at the Polytechnic University of Madrid; for laying the foundations of the current INTA; for conducting multiple studies on artificial satellites, orbital stations, moon travel, orbit calculations, launches, navigation; and for creating the transport company Transaérea Colón.
Emilio Herrera's talent extended far beyond aeronautics, encompassing a wide range of research, projects, patents and inventions in numerous scientific fields. And he is universally recognised for his human values as an honourable, loyal, and principled individual. He is quoted as saying “We must all wish for the scientific progress of humanity, but without neglecting its moral progress. Otherwise, the existence of humankind is in great danger".
The support of the ENAIRE Foundation
In 2020, the ENAIRE Foundation supported the first major documentary on Emilio Herrera’s life and work. Produced by Atrevida Producciones S.L. with guidance from historian Emilio Atienza, the documentary was shown on the ‘Imprescindibles’ programme on the TVE channel La 2. Before that, it published books dedicated to Herrera, such as ‘Ciencia en las ondas. Crónicas científicas de Emilio Herrera (Science on the Airwaves: The Science Chronicles of Emilio Herrera), ‘Emilio Herrera Linares, protagonistas de la aeronáutica’ (Emilio Herrera Linares: Key Figures in Aeronautics) and ‘Ciencia aeronáutica’ (Aeronautical Science).
About ENAIRE Foundation
Is a cultural institution of the Ministry of Transport and Sustainable Mobility that, in addition to managing, preserving and exhibiting the ENAIRE Collection of Contemporary Art, engages in a comprehensive annual programme of activities that focus on aeronautical art and culture. Notably, it is one of the institutions that currently provides the most support to photography through its annual prizes - which have become a benchmark for professional photographers - and by hosting exhibits.
It is the only foundation in Spain that combines the two seemingly disparate themes of art and aeronautical culture, bringing them together by undertaking a programme of activities that promote the study, research, knowledge and dissemination of aeronautical culture, integrating history and modernity to raise awareness of the world of aviation in our country.
The Naves de Gamazo are the first permanent home of the ENAIRE Collection of Contemporary Art, an example of collaboration between government agencies that was made possible thanks to the partnership and joint efforts of the Ministry of Transport and Sustainable Mobility, the Government of Cantabria, through the Office for Culture, Tourism and Sport, and the Port Authority of Santander, which share the operating expenses of the centre in order to ensure the present and future viability of this cultural project.
ENAIRE Foundation is implementing digital museum resources to boost the democratisation of art and make it accessible from anywhere in the world. These new museum resources are now available on the Foundation's website.
[Emilio Herrera, illustrious Spanish aeronautical engineer (EFE)].
ENAIRE is the air navigation service provider in Spain.
As a company of the Ministry of Sustainable Transport and Mobility, it provides air traffic control services during the en route and approach phases of all flights to and from Spain and overflights. In addition, it manages communications, navigation and surveillance services from ENAIRE in the airspace and the entire AENA airport network in Spain and provides aerodrome air traffic control services in 21 airports, including the busiest.
ENAIRE is the fourth largest European air navigation service provider, and it is a member of international partnerships A6 Alliance, SESAR (Single European Sky ATM Research) Joint Undertaking, SESAR Deployment Manager, iTEC, CANSO (Civil Air Navigation Services Organisation) and collaborates closely with ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization).
ENAIRE has received the highest score in Europe on the aviation safety key performance indicator for four years in a row. It has also been awarded the EFQM 600 Seal for its safe, efficient, innovative and sustainable management of air navigation services.
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